Hadwin Jones aspires to be recognised as a global leader in professional services, working with top organisations in their offices around the world. In every engagement, Hadwin Jones seeks to add value, to learn, and to grow as an organisation. How we approach new opportunities is always governed by our Code of Conduct, and our Hadwin Jones Corporate Values. These two documents define who we are, how we operate in the market, the context within which customers get value from us, and the basis on which our customers trust us.
Every employee and associate of Hadwin Jones is personally responsible for understanding the Hadwin Jones Code of Conduct, and Hadwin Jones Corporate Values, and is committed to working within these guidelines. These codes reinforce in all Hadwin Jones employees and associates our commitment to conduct our business within a framework of professional standards, the laws of the countries we are operating in, as well as our own policies, values, and standards.